Welcome to our beautiful Sanctuary!
Welcome to our beautiful Sanctuary!
The basic beliefs of Spiritualism are:
We are Spiritual Beings sharing in the unity of the universe.
Our essence survives beyond bodily death.
The Source of All is Universal Love
The Unity of Creation
Spiritual Healing and Guidance from Spirit Friends, Teachers and Angels
The Existence and Identity of the Individual continue after death
Personal Responsibility for all aspects of our lives
We create our lives through our thoughts, words and actions
Eternal Progress and Enlightenment open to every Soul
These principles are guidelines with Liberty of Interpretation.
Every Sunday evening we hold a Service which lasts for approximately an hour and thirty minutes. During this time we have prayers, sing songs, and enjoy a short meditation while Spiritual Healing is offered.
Each week a Guest Speaker gives a talk, and shares with us her/his specialty and/or experiences. These talks cover many aspects of life and living. The Speaker is followed by a demonstration of clairvoyance.
Supper is provided after the Service, and everyone is invited to stay to socialise, ask questions, or receive comfort and support if it is needed.
Whatever your background and understanding, we hope you will find something in our Services which will feel right for you. We hope to provide you with something which stimulates your thinking, and helps you to feel at peace within yourself.