The links below will take you to articles of interest to anyone enquiring about Spiritualism and its related phenomena and practices.

Some articles are short, some are long. Be sure to scroll down to the bottom of the page to see all the links - they are separated into source categories.

Spiritualism New Zealand [SNZ] Website Articles:

What Is Spiritualism?


History of New Zealand Spiritualism

Spiritual Healing

Spiritual Healers Code of Ethics

Articles from SCNZ [now SNZ] Old Website:

Reproduced with permission from Spiritualism New Zealand

Mediumship and Mediums

Spiritual Healing and Healers

What are the Ethics of Mediumship



What Are Ghosts?

When Does the Soul Enter the Physical Body?

The Spiritualists' National Union (U.K.) Website Articles:

The 7 Principles

Spiritualist Philosophy

Case Studies

Spiritualism Q & A

Pioneers of Spiritualism

First Spiritual Temple OF Boston (U.S.A.) Articles:


What Is Trance?

Evidential Mediumship

Inspirational Mediumship

Physical Mediumship

Consulting a Medium or Psychic

Developing Mediumship

When Your Animal Companion Dies

Other Websites:

For some of these links you will need to scroll down a little to find the article.

Spiritualism and Meditation

10 Hallmarks of an Authentic Healer or Teacher

Video: Ken Pretty talks about Mediumship.

Video: Blair Styra talks about being a full trance medium for the Spirit Teacher, Tabaash, plus a channelled talk from Tabaash